He is completely unlike us in every way
Our hope is not found in understanding why God allowed suffering into our lives.
Our hope is not found in the belief that somehow we will tough our way through.
Our hope is not found in doctors, lawyers, pastors, family, or friends.
Our hope is not found in our resilience or ingenuity.
Our hope is not found in ideas or things.
Though we may look to all those for temporary help, ultimately our hope rests in the faithful and gracious presence of the Lord with us.
He is not weakened by what weakens us.
He is not confused by what confuses us.
He does not suffer from the mood swings that afflict us.
He is not afraid like we are.
He never makes a bad decision.
He never finds Himself out of control.
He never wants to take back His words.
He never regrets the way He’s behaved.
He never responds impulsively.
His choices are never driven by anxiety.
He never dreads the next day.
He never wants to give up.
He is never frustrated by an inability to make a difference.
He is with us, but the reason this is so wonderfully comforting is that He is completely unlike us in every way.
He is limitless in power, He has authority over everything, He is perfect in every way, He dwells with us, and He assures us that He’s not leaving."
--Paul David Tripp, Suffering: Gospel Hope When Life Doesn't Make Sense (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2018), 147-148.
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