Highlights from our Twitter Feed
“The reason we come away so cold from reading the word is because we do not warm ourselves at the fire of meditation.” - Thomas Watson
"When the preferences of the church members are greater than their passion for the Gospel, the church is dying." - Thom Rainer
''The Sabbath: this precious fence which the goodness of God has drawn around the vineyard of his church.' - John Owen
''Kill [sin] before it kills you; and though it bring you to the grave, as it did your Head, it shall not be able to keep you there.' - Baxter
"The custom of sinning takes away the sense of it, the course of the world takes away the shame of it." John Owen
"As long as Christ sits on the throne, every day is a good day and all days are days of salvation." - AW Tozer
"If we displease God, does it matter whom we please? If we please Him does it matter whom we displease?" - Leonard Ravenhill
“Heaven is no doubt very desirable, but Christ is more.” - John Flavel
"Sin first courts, and then kills." - Thomas Watson, The Doctrine of Repentance
"The pleasure of sin is soon gone, but the sting remains." - Thomas Watson
"To believe the gospel is to know that having your sin exposed is the grace of God." - R.W. Glenn
"In the morning when you awake and behold the light, consider that you behold a fresh manifestation of the lovely glory of God." - J Edwards
"Soulwinning is the chief business of the Christian minister; indeed, it should be the main pursuit of every true believer." - C.H. Spurgeon
"A cheap Christianity that offends nobody, requires no sacrifice, and costs nothing—is worth nothing." - JC Ryle
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