The Road to Heaven

"Then Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone would

 come after Me, he must deny himself and take up

 his cross and follow Me."   (Matthew 16:24)


"Follow Me," Jesus says; and we cannot but yield to

His almighty voice. He draws us out of the world—and

we follow Him. He leads us in at the strait gate—and

we follow Him. He guides us along the narrow way

and we follow Him—our cross upon our shoulder and

the crown before our eye!


Smoothness, and brightness, and greenness—are not

the features of the narrow way; but rather thorns and

briars, darkness and dust, and ruggedness, all along;

fightings without, and fears within.


The road to Heaven is not so pleasant, and comfortable,

and easy, and flowery—as many dream. It is not a bright,

sunny, flowery path. It is not paved with triumph—though

it is to end in victory. The termination is glory, honor, and

immortality; but on the way—there is the thorn in the flesh,

the sackcloth, and the cross. Recompense yonder—but labor

here! Rest yonder—but weariness here! Joy and security

yonder—but here endurance and watchfulness, the race,

the battle, the burden, and ofttimes the heavy heart.

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